Discovering Joyful Learning Moments


The foundation of our educational philosophy is playful learning, not merely one of the elements of early childhood education in New York City, New York. Our young students are immersed in an environment that has been carefully crafted to ignite their imaginations and stimulate their interest right from the start of their schooling, located right in the middle of the city. Early childhood education becomes a holistic activity focused on fostering a genuine and lasting love of learning in this dynamic context, going beyond the mere achievement of academic benchmarks.

Through a rich tapestry of interactive and engaging experiences, we aim to cultivate a sense of wonder and exploration in our students, laying the foundation for a lifelong passion for knowledge. The vibrant cityscape serves as both a backdrop and a source of inspiration, offering unique opportunities for our young learners to connect with the diverse world. Our goal is to prepare our students for success in a constantly changing global environment by fostering a love of learning outsidethe classroom in addition to teaching knowledge.

In the vibrant landscape of daycare in New York, parents often wonder about the balance between structured care and playful exploration. We recognize the significance of combining the two. Our daycare is set up to offer a secure refuge where kids can learn via play and lay the groundwork for their future academic endeavors.

Transitioning from daycare to preschool is a significant step in a child’s development. In our preschool program, we focus on more structured activities while still embracing the essence of play. Acareful balancing act between academic milestones and spontaneity creates a delightful moment for our children.

Childcare is not just a service; it’s a commitment to the holistic well-being of a child. In our childcare programs, we extend our ethos of playful learning. From storytelling to hands-on activities, we ensure that each child’s unique potential is nurtured, creating a strong foundation for future academic success.

Are you interested in exploring the world of playful learning with Petits Poussins Too? Contact us here to schedule a visit and witness firsthand the joy and creativity that define our programs.

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